Cellulite Miracle

Cellulit Miracle

Urbane Skin Spa – And the winner is!…

.. While the dimples on the cheeks and chin are over photographed and charming, we could not say the same about the cellulite dimples which, as summer approaches, become annoying for elegant women.
Well, at Urbane Skin Spa, cellulite is no longer a headache, on the contrary, its treatment and elimination is a definitive and proven fact. For the record, let’s say that cellulite is a latent function of the hormonal venous and lymphatic pathway, resulting in the accumulation of fat and retention of useless substances and mainly fluids in the intercellular space. In simple words, the accumulation of toxins between the upper skin layer and the one below, result in reduced elasticity of the connective tissue. The fat cells in this area are not properly nourished due to insufficient blood supply, therefore the body stores the fatty tissue instead of burning it and thus the skin gradually acquires the so-called “orange peel” appearance.
One could argue that there are 5 types of cellulite: mild, soft, solid or otherwise hard, oedematous, and painful cellulite.
• Mild cellulite: It is not immediately noticeable, as the skin looks smooth in standing position, but it becomes apparent when the skin is contracted.
• Loose or squishy cellulite: These are loose, floating folds of skin that usually appear in bodies that have undergone a sudden change in weight or have not exercised in a long time.
• Solid or hard cellulite: Usually found in the thighs, gluts and buttocks area. The skin looks overly stretched and swollen in these areas. When palpated it has a granular sensation. This form of cellulite is usually found in overweight people, but thin people may also demonstrate it under special circumstances.
• Edema cellulitis: It resembles to soft cellulitis, with the exception that it presents additional swelling. It is usually very local and is caused by overall poor blood or lymph circulation.
• Painful cellulite: It is characterized by pain of varying intensity when palpated.
Another distinction of cellulite is the generalized and localized. The generalized is found in different body parts, while the localized is found in specific areas, such as the buttocks – frequently found in the Mediterranean body type.
The most common factors that contribute to the creation and development of cellulite considered are the following:

• Hereditary factors
• Careless diet
• Obesity
• Slow body metabolic rate
• Hormonal disorders
• Dehydration of the upper layers of the skin
• The absence of physical exercise
• Stress
• Smoking
• Overall poor skin perfusion, either by nature or caused by disease

After having explained how cellulite works we may deal with it effectively in order to eliminate it. One of the main “weapons” against it is the technical anti-cellulite massage; it fights cellulite locally and at the same time it benefits the microcirculation of the whole body.
Essentially, the lymphatic massage is superficial, since 70% of the lymph vessels are located close to the surface of the skin tissue. Its purpose is to increase the flow in the lymphatic system, while following the course of the lymph. Massage is a natural approach to decongest local fat and fight cellulite, while at the same time it helps improve the appearance of the skin as a whole. It is directly applied to the hips,


The therapist gently starts the massage with gentle touches and kneading the muscles in circular movements. As a result, hyperaemia will be caused at the point where the friction is applied, and when the tissues soften enough, then the therapist proceeds to more intense movements.
In fact, the gently movements prepare the tissue to absorb pressure, while the stronger movements crush the locally concentrated fat cells. The therapist should be experienced and exercise caution while massaging in order to protect the nerve endings.
During treatment, the therapist uses refined oils and tightening creams for an immediate effect. Urbane Skin prefers the following:

Thermo Active Cellulite Cream: Anti-cellulite cream with seaweed, essential oils and cinnamon. It causes hyperaemia and lipolysis. It soothes the cellulite knots while at the same time it tones the tissue and moisturizes the skin.
Slimming and Firming Microgel: An exquisite strong gel that slims and firms skin. It contains oligopeptides and microspheres from plankton and herbs which help microcirculation while at the same time tighten the skin and produce a slimming effect.

Radio Frequency, Cavitation & Vacuum Device: Technology helps achieve high standards and a healthy body. Therefore, to deal with cellulite, we use the Radio Frequency (R/F) high-tech device that accurately targets fat cells. The device consists of multiple heads; each one of them targets different body needs.
Radiofrequencies increase the temperature of the subcutaneous tissue to 41-43 degrees Celsius. As a consequence of this temperature rise, the collagen fibres contract and then stimulate the genesis of new collagen. Thus, the new collagen produced provides an immediate, spectacular tightening of the skin and its connective tissue. As a result, the fat cells are gently liquefied and expelled from the body, resulting in the fight against cellulite.

Vacuum: Vacuum is then applied as it is indicated for a targeted intradermal massage that causes lymphatic drainage, with an emphasis on specific points of the lymphatic system. Thus, mechanical lymphatic drainage and skin tightening are achieved. The movements vary according to the area of application and the type of cellulite, although they are mostly circular and upward.

Cavitation: It is basically a modern ultrasound system, which combines Radio Frequencies and Vacuum to achieve lipolysis, skin tightening and reduction of fluid retention. The ultrasonic action of Cavitation creates small pockets of air where local fat accumulates. As the pockets expand, they press and push the fat cells, helping them to liquefy themselves, and be naturally expelled through the body’s lymphatic system.

It is important to add that the beautician applies a special ultrasound gel to the area, to protect the skin from any irritations; at the same time, the head functions with specialized movements, thus achieving lipolysis, muscle sculpting, and firmness.